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nursing job

consultant, job, job hunting, management, medical, nursing, teach, teaching

A couple of days ago, there was a news about the local medical assistant graduates… they have poor command in English. This is a slight disadvantage to our local graduates compared to Indonesia and Philippines when working abroad like in Arab countries where medical assistant are highly needed.

I will agree that our education system is in a mess… its policies keep on changing which put our student in total confusion. The people in charge of the educations should stop being ‘arrogant’ and start putting English as a major subject. For instance, in the past few years there are quite a number of medical teaching course and medical management course offered by newly setup training colleges around the country.

Unfortunately, the recent report of the Arab countries preferences towards our nursing graduates is very serious. Their command in English put them at the very last compared to Indonesia and Philippines. The government must take immediate action to improve the English proficiency among our students, else our global competitiveness will go from bad to worse… in fact emerging country like Vietnam has overtaken us in many areas.

Hiring English language consultants from countries which English is their first languages to conduct teach the teacher course is one way to revamp our English education system and to increase the number of English teachers with high teaching quality. No doubt, today we have many English teachers, but ‘quality English’ teachers are very few. Probably we also need consultant interview course so that we can get good consultants… 😛


for final semester

job hunting, resume, semester, study, working

It’s May, and most of the local colleges and universities are going to end their semester calendar between now and July. For those in final year such as 3rd year for Diploma and 5th year for Bachelor Degree, study level is over… after struggling for 3 or 5 years… well maybe some did not struggle at all with their studies coz they are geniuses… I was struggling… if you gets thru this level, time to move to the next level… which is working.

If you are ready to move to level working, it’s time to start writing your resume… if you don’t know what is resume… emmm… you better start googling it… there are lots of resume writing help on the net.

And since you are just finishing your level study, there is no working experience to put into you resume… unless you did some works during your semester break or holiday. For those still in level study, my advice is to apply for work which is related to your course during holidays… working in KFC or McDonald doesn’t count… unless your course is related to business or marketing, but it still won’t help to impress your future bosses… so good luck to those graduating soon… happy job hunting… 😀

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