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Venturing Into Gayana Eco Resort

gayana, gayana eco resort, Le Meridien, life, pulau gaya

Too bad there was red tide outbreak at Gayana Eco Resort on our arrival on the 18 January 2009. According to the staff, it has been going on for a week. Red tide is a natural phenomenon caused by higher-than-normal concentration of microscopic Karenia brevis algae or formerly known as Gymnodinium breve.

When the sea temperature, salinity and nutrients reach certain levels, a massive increase in Karenia brevis algae occurs and they causes natural toxins. Marine life which have consumed the algae are not edible, it can cause death to human. The sea water will turn into reddish, brownish or rusty in color… the reason this phenomenon called red tide. We were advised not to swim because the water can cause itchiness. . . . Continue Reading »


More about Le Meridien

Le Meridien, photography

These are from my T200 camera…. almost forgot about it. There are more on Filipono Market at my photo blog.

Taxi colorful formation… Le Meridien swimming pool at 2nd floor.



When I’m bored, I will do anything… after lunch, I was soooo sleepy.



Workshop today at Le Meridien

Le Meridien, photography

Today, I attended a one day workshop at Le Meridien, Kota Kinabalu.

On my way, when I was going downhill towards the Penampang Bypass’ tunnel, I saw a huge & thick black cloud. It looks like a huge smoke from a burning houses or something like that.

But it doesn’t have the smoke tail from the ground… it just floating freely on the sky… then I said it must be a chemical or toxic cloud… just arrived in KK!!!

Well, I keep on driving towards Sutera Harbor Resort… then I noticed it actually coming from the Sutera’s power plant… their diesel generator… the only huge private diesel generator in the middle of the city… they claim it is ‘environmental friendly’.

The smoke tail is in the middle of the photo… and the smoke cloud.

Captured some photos from the 3rd floor of Le Meridien Hotel.

Pulau Gaya’s stilt houses

Reflection of the Filipino Market or UNHCR Market… more of the market activity photos at my Snapshots.Shutterbomb blog.


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