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Venturing Into Gayana Eco Resort

gayana, gayana eco resort, Le Meridien, life, pulau gaya

Too bad there was red tide outbreak at Gayana Eco Resort on our arrival on the 18 January 2009. According to the staff, it has been going on for a week. Red tide is a natural phenomenon caused by higher-than-normal concentration of microscopic Karenia brevis algae or formerly known as Gymnodinium breve.

When the sea temperature, salinity and nutrients reach certain levels, a massive increase in Karenia brevis algae occurs and they causes natural toxins. Marine life which have consumed the algae are not edible, it can cause death to human. The sea water will turn into reddish, brownish or rusty in color… the reason this phenomenon called red tide. We were advised not to swim because the water can cause itchiness. . . . Continue Reading »


Arrive at Gayana Eco Resort

gayana, gayana eco resort, life, pulau gaya

We left the Jesselton Point Jetty on Sunday, 18 January 2009, around 1.50 pm after the Gayana Eco Resort staff completed checking and confirming the boat passenger list. We arrived at Gayana Eco Resort around 2.10 pm, that’s about 20 minutes of boat ride. The ride is a bit choppy because there are quite some big waves. They said morning ride are calmer compared to afternoon ride. . . . Continue Reading »


To Gayana Eco Resort

gayana, gayana eco resort, life, pulau gaya

This is the first part of my back posting about our trip to Pulau Gaya. I supposed to go there on Monday, 19 January, but I decided to join the committee and the rest a day early on Sunday, 18 January.

For the Monday schedule’s trip, everyone have to be at the jetty at Jesselton Point before 6.30am! Meaning I have to wake up around 5am or probably earlier than that and be there before 6.30 am coz that is the time the boat leaving for Pulau Gaya. . . . Continue Reading »


I have not abandon my blog

gayana, life, work

Gosh… it was quite sometimes already since the last posting. I did not really abandon it… I still do come here and check my blogroll to see what updates they have.

It’s just that I really don’t have the mood to write anything… I just look at it… and let everything go…

Anyway, since the first day of this year, I’m still occupied with my work… was struggling with the account systems. You know how important it is to make sure the previous financial accounts are closed on time. Have to make sure the systems are working correctly… whenever the system ‘whistle’, I have to make it stop ‘whistling’!

Then the current year works started coming already… in fact I just came back from Gayana Eco Resort at Gaya Island yesterday. I was there since Sunday till yesterday, Wednesday. The office’s top guns including the new Director went there to set the department’s 2009 goals. Twenty sets of goals… meaning there are 20 branches in HQ, and have not included the 24 districts yet… that for sure extra works for this year… going to be very busy again this year… busier than last year I’m sure… everyone need IT!

Waking up this morning is already like ‘zombie’… my whole body is aching… probably caused by the heat and the work in Gayana Eco Resort… with presentation and discussion from 8am to 10pm!!! I think I’m going to loose some weight this time… no need Leptorexin pills to diet… but I think it will be the opposite, coz when I work a lot, I gain weight instead of loosing weight 😮

I took some photos in Gayana Eco Resort but I’m not going to show it now coz I’m too lazy to edit and upload them… next time I show.


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