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climbing mount…

camping, climbing, mount kinabalu, outdoor

Last year, was planning to climb Mount Kinabalu… It supposed to be a unique climb on 10.10.10 but it did not materialize. This year, there is still a chance to make a unique climb on 11.11.11 😀

The fist time I climb Mount Kinabalu was in 1990 and the second time was in 1994. On the first attempt, I manage to reach the summit. But on the second climb, I experienced major muscle cramps on both legs… calf and thigh muscles… having cramps on 4 places on your legs is horrible… virtually I was crawling to Panar Laban… the overnight stop over in the middle of the 4,095 metres or 13,435 feet high mount.

Anyways, this year there are two opportunities to climb… organize by the office. But it is not on 11.11.11 but somewhere in July and September. And I don’t think I can get myself ready for the July climb… maybe the September is possible.

To climb mount, a lot of fitness preparations are required… especially to those who are not active… like me… 😛 And must buy light and thick clothing… the thick or winter clothing must be waterproof too coz the temperature during the summit climb at 3 am is very low and wet… but no worries, these stuff are easily available nowadays from the outdoor or camping store.

If I really want to go for the September climb, then I must get myself fit from now… 😛

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Rain and Wind

furniture, indoor, outdoor, weather, wind

Lately, my area is having loads of rain… No… No, I’m not complaining about rain. I like rain… much better than too much heat.

But actually, I prefer when it cloudy… the air is much cooler with beautiful rays of light. Usually it will be cloudy in the morning but with enough sun rays… just nice to dry cloths 😀

The beautiful morning cloud I snap while driving along the Penampang Bypass Road from Donggongon.

In the afternoon, it will be sunny… sometimes the heat is too much.

Then in the late evening, it will start raining… heavy rains. This is the best time to see the heavy rain… very cold and a bit windy. But the only problem is when the wind is too strong.

Last week, on Friday night, there was heavy rain followed with strong wind. Probably it was a monsoon wind. That night, the wind was OK at my place, but I didn’t know that about 20KM away, the wind was blowing so strong that many trees and signboards were blow away.

While driving last Saturday evening, I saw many tree branches on the road. And I also saw few roof sheets and furniture lying besides the road. Probably the furniture is outdoor furniture… else if the furniture is from inside the house… man, the wind must be so strong and suck-out the furniture from inside the house!

There is still rain followed by mild wind this week… hopefully it will stay like that.


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