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climbing mount…

camping, climbing, mount kinabalu, outdoor

Last year, was planning to climb Mount Kinabalu… It supposed to be a unique climb on 10.10.10 but it did not materialize. This year, there is still a chance to make a unique climb on 11.11.11 😀

The fist time I climb Mount Kinabalu was in 1990 and the second time was in 1994. On the first attempt, I manage to reach the summit. But on the second climb, I experienced major muscle cramps on both legs… calf and thigh muscles… having cramps on 4 places on your legs is horrible… virtually I was crawling to Panar Laban… the overnight stop over in the middle of the 4,095 metres or 13,435 feet high mount.

Anyways, this year there are two opportunities to climb… organize by the office. But it is not on 11.11.11 but somewhere in July and September. And I don’t think I can get myself ready for the July climb… maybe the September is possible.

To climb mount, a lot of fitness preparations are required… especially to those who are not active… like me… 😛 And must buy light and thick clothing… the thick or winter clothing must be waterproof too coz the temperature during the summit climb at 3 am is very low and wet… but no worries, these stuff are easily available nowadays from the outdoor or camping store.

If I really want to go for the September climb, then I must get myself fit from now… 😛

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Go Gym or Go Climb?

climbing, cloth, clothing, equestrian apparel, gym

Every sport has its rules and apparel. Even gym has special apparel if you want to enter gym… everything is commercialized… which translate to money.

A friend was asking me to join him at the new gym at City Mall. The gym is actually as old as the City Mall itself… was it like one year? Anyway, the previous owner some how ‘cheated’ a lot of members, so it went ‘bankrupt’. Early this year the gym was taken over by a new management. Membership is not that cheap… like RM1,200 a year or so… but don’t want to join yet… I want to do ‘walk-in’ first… pay every time go there.

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Climbing the hill at the back of Taman Tun Fuad Stephen, Bukit Padang

bukit padang, climbing, hill, insurance

Yesterday I went to climb the hill at the back of Taman Tun Fuad Stephen, Bukit Padang… the hill behind the jogging park. I went there with 2 friends. One knows all the hiking trails there… coz he was doing the hill climbing there with his parents since he was still in primary school… and they were going there like almost daily and way early in the morning… something like 5am!!!

I reach at the park’s parking area around 5pm but it was so crowded with cars… even spilled out to the main road… some parked at the road islands at the main road. My friends are also still looking for parking space on another car.

Well this is common in this area they said… parking spaces are not enough and so many people want to jog, climb the hill and eat at the restaurants and stalls. Maybe the relevant authorities should look into this problem. Further more this is a good place… a good park… even has a small water theme park.

Anyway, after we parked, we walk around the park, the same path I took last Sunday for the Borneo Downhill Challenge 2009. But, instead of using the path with steps I took last Sunday, our friend brought us into a small trail… which is more challenging to me coz there is no steps. And it also a bit dark coz it’s really going into the jungle. If you don’t have personal insurance, maybe it’s good to have term life insurance quotes first before doing this hiking… for first timer, I’m sure this is creepy… wild animal, insects, fall…

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