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How much notebook memory do you need?

32bit, 64bit, dell, memory, notebook, ram, vista, XP

What is the maximum amount of memory your notebook can take? How many memory slots does it have?

Last Friday, in the morning of 15th May 2009, my Dell XPS M1330 notebook went berserk… when I switch it on, some colorful vertical lines appears on the screen. Sometimes it switches on without the lines but once the windows fully loaded, sometimes it just freezes, and I have to forcefully witch it off.

I was so mad and sad… the whole Friday I was trying to figure out what is going on with the notebook. I did not read my email the whole day. I used the BIOS diagnostic and it took ages… made worse when I have to attend discussion and meeting that day… while I was away, the diagnostic found a problem on the hard disk and it has to wait for my next instruction! Imagine, the diagnostic have to wait for me like one or two hours… and it happened two times… and it repeats the process all over again after I click continue.

I continue using the notebook with the problem but on Sunday night, it went completely dead. When switched on, the bios not even loaded. The next morning I send it back to the shop and they called Dell support. I got back the notebook on Friday and according to the report, the notebook fan encounters some problem causing the display controller overheating.

I’m forced to use back my old Dell XPS M1210 for a week, but it only has 1GB of RAM coz I’ve moved its memory to other places. I need full 4GB for my work… sometimes I need to load a few Virtual PCs to do my work…

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Seems everything is slow

badminton, internet, jam, life, ram, slow

When I came home from Journey around Sabah on Friday, I thought one of my PC’s RAM is broken because the system’s message keeps on popping up telling me my PC is low with system memory! Crap… don’t tell me one of my 2GB RAM is broken.

After cleaning up the temporary and history files, then cleaning the registry… then tweak here and there… at last the message is gone. Yes, my RAMs are OK. The most logical reason why the message was popping up is because of the latest Windows update related to the serious security flaw in the Internet Explorer.

Then Kota Kinabalu City is also in major traffic jam on that Friday. The next day news said, it was caused by the combination of early payday and the ongoing Badminton World Foundation Super Series Master Final which started that day until today (Sunday).

Then on Saturday, the breaks of three submarine cables which link Europe and the Middle East caused disruption to the internet and international telephone services in parts of the Middle East and South Asia.

This made the internet at crawling speed or in non-existence state but not as bad as last time, when 7 out of 8 submarine cables near Taiwan breaks after they were hit by earthquakes. The Taiwan earthquake triggers a “digital tsunami” in Asia on that time.


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