October PINK
life, tagOk lah… since sindut has tagged me, I oblige lah to continue with it voluntarily 😆
This tag is about Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Here are the rules…
1. First, you need to display the logo on your blog
2. Secondly, add a link to the person who shared it with you… sindut
3. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers… but since sindut only tag 2, I also tag 2 lah… 😆
4. Add links to these blogs on your blog.
5. Lastly, leave a message to your nominee on their blog that they’ve been tagged.
That’s it… but actually it supposed to be for ‘sisters’ only… but since sindut tag both ‘brothers’… I ‘belas dendam’ by tagging both guys lah.., ben & disney 😆