beef soup
diet, diet pills, fat, gout, meat April 20th, 2012Tonight had some heavy stuff for dinner… beef soup. Usually those who know the side effect of this type of soup will definitely avoid it… to avoid from getting the painful joints especially on the leg which we call it gout.
Gout is something those middle age and older people worried… usually it is related to meaty food. But meaty foods like the beef soup I had usually very tasty… hard to resist. I’m thankful that I don’t have serious problem when eating meaty stuff… and I like meaty food a lot… if I don’t eat meat or hard stuff, I will never get full… For instant, even if I eat two packets of instant noodles at once, I will never get full coz it doesn’t have those hard foods like meat… I call that food as hollow foods.
So usually I eat a lot… I like eating… eating is an obligation to me… people around me knows I eat a lot… but lucky I don’t grow so much for eating a lot… probably I take safe diet pills that work… actually I don’t… I just take 1000mg Vitamin C everyday… and go to the gym once a while… ok, need to rest, coz need to go to gym tomorrow… to burn all those meat I ate during dinner… 😛