Dare to try Baked Clam or Baked Coconut?.. Part 1
blog, food, life August 9th, 2007Last Sunday, August 5th, me and a friend, Nadzree, went to Dalit Bay Golf Club & Spa for a golf game.
On our way back, we stop at a stall. The stalls are selling baked coconut. They are also selling baked clam… not sure what type of clam was it.
Here are the pictures of it…
The stall we stop at… not promoting this particular stall. There are many of them along the way… if you plan to go there, you will not miss them if you are on your way to Shangri-La’s Rasa Ria Resort, Tuaran.
The baked coconut… three left, but many more at the back waiting to be baked…
Removing the chared coconut skin…
The chared skin and the top part have be removed… exposing the coconut flesh.
Breaking the flesh to get the water inside…
The steam are gushing out… the coconut water are boiled to steam inside!!!
Nadzree with his Baked Coconut…
I will continue about the baked clam in my next posting… more like Fear Factor 😉
August 10th, 2007 at 11:35 am
wuiyooo..mcm model jual kalapa gia ko sana pic paling atas tu….lalallala….
btw, yabah…sa rindu sudah my late dog tu…. 🙁
August 10th, 2007 at 11:36 am
ohh ko ndak bawa sia pg makan coconut ahhh..dush dush…*wink*
August 10th, 2007 at 11:50 am
keh keh keh… buli bah… nanti makan tu kerang bakar skali…
August 14th, 2007 at 7:03 am
Wah.. I thought model mana ni promoting kelapa Tuaran? Heehee. Cilaka, sia mo makan tu kelapa and kerang bah… My friend had been telling me about it, making my stay in KL such an agony. 🙁
August 14th, 2007 at 7:15 am
😉 sedap o tu kelapa… when i cucuk the isi… trus keluar steam… terpaksa minum tu air klapa pakai sudu… kalu pakai straw, tebakar kerongkong… kalu tu kerang, tinguklah kalu ko sanggup… 🙂