Dare to try Baked Clam or Baked Coconut?.. Part 2
blog, food, life, photography August 11th, 2007Ok… I’m going to continue with my baked clam…
These are the clams on display… before being bake…
Baking the clams after removing half of it shell…
errrr… what do you think?
are they yummy or what?…
we actually cleaned them all… wow…. the taste are not bad… since honey are spread on top of it when it was baked. And with the sweet chili… it is eatable after all…
August 13th, 2007 at 2:15 pm
itu clam tu diaorang pelihara di bawah kulung rumah….
jadi kau tau lah apa tu clam makan kan… hehhehheh
August 13th, 2007 at 5:15 pm
sia kena paksa makan bah… betul betul macam Fear Factor… patutlah sia sakit batuk batuk sampai skarang… 🙁