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corporate jersey

clothing, corporate jacket, hospital scrubs, suit

Lately… I mean for the past 2 or 3 years… or probably longer, some government departments have started using corporate jacket… I called it corporate jersey… ๐Ÿ˜›

These corporate jackets are more like what the Japanese wear to identify their corporate or company or rank or posistion… in fact it has become a norm for every company here to come out with their jacket styling and colour… but the colour usually follows their corporate colour.

For me… although I don’t have one… corporate jersey are good. It makes uniformity… just like the schools uniforms or hospital scrubs… by just looking at what the person wearing, we can tell which corporate or company he or she working at or what position or section the person holding.

And one good reason to have corporate jersey, staffs do not have to spend money on expensive clothing… they just have to get those standard corporate jersey… and don’t have to worry about matching their shirt with trouser or shoe… ๐Ÿ˜› But unfortunately recently there is instruction that civil servant are not allowed to wear corporate jersey anymore to meetings… for man, they must wear necktie and suit… which I don’t like to wear… ๐Ÿ˜› coz my standard jersey is short sleeves shirt with no necktie… it’s a hot country u know… ๐Ÿ˜€

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apple what?

apple bottoms, clothing, jeans, ladies

I don’t know what’s the first thing come to your mind when you hear apple bottoms?… when I saw that words the first time, I thought it’s about a new Apple iPad or iPhone… but it has nothing close to that thingy. It’s actually a brand… a brand name for ladies jeans… you know like Levis, Texan, etc… and apple bottoms is not just about jeans, there are mini skirts, jackets, sweat suits, etc…

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More expensive clothing for the holiday season :(

cloth, clothing, cotton, gift idea, holiday season, personal creations, yarn

It seems that, this year holiday season gonna be a little bit expensive… it is all because there is a surge in the price of cotton and yarn… so, consumers will have to pay more for new clothes on this coming Christmas and New Year… ๐Ÿ˜›

The worldwide shortage of raw materials for textiles and garments such as cotton and yarn with higher demand for the coming holiday season has pushed the materials prices up. According to Malaysia Textile Manufacturers Association’s CEO Mr Andrew Hong, prices for raw materials had surged 25% to 40% in the past two months.

So, getting new cloths and gifts this time around will be expensive… will there be less new cloths and gifts for families this year?… ๐Ÿ˜› I hope not… if that do happen, other type of gifts will be still the same… so maybe less cloths but more on non-textiles stuff like the anniversary gift ideas at Personal Creations.

OK, what causes the textiles prices increased in the past two months? Blame it to the worldwide weather!!!… the flooding in cotton-producing countries like China, India, United State, Pakistan and Brazil had caused the serious worldwide shortage of the raw materials.

So, there goes my dream Adidas clothing… won’t be able to buy new sports apparels this season… ๐Ÿ˜›

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Go Gym or Go Climb?

climbing, cloth, clothing, equestrian apparel, gym

Every sport has its rules and apparel. Even gym has special apparel if you want to enter gym… everything is commercialized… which translate to money.

A friend was asking me to join him at the new gym at City Mall. The gym is actually as old as the City Mall itself… was it like one year? Anyway, the previous owner some how โ€˜cheatedโ€™ a lot of members, so it went โ€˜bankruptโ€™. Early this year the gym was taken over by a new management. Membership is not that cheap… like RM1,200 a year or so… but donโ€™t want to join yet… I want to do โ€˜walk-inโ€™ first… pay every time go there.

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