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gym: go or don’t go…


Should I go gym tonight?… emm… This year, I changed my gym schedule… usually I go after office trice a week, meaning I go at night… around 7PM… but going after office is not that good coz I already tired in the office, so not much energy for gym πŸ˜› And sometimes I wont be able to make it even once for the whole week… so it a waste of membership… πŸ˜› although it’s not really an exclusive gym like the gym in richmond, but it really a waste when I can’t go for more than a month… or only once in a month.

So this year, I decided to go every Saturday morning… so at least I can go once a week rather than skipping the whole week or month. But tomorrow I need to go fix my car absorbers and tyres… meaning I won’t be able to go gym tomorrow morning… πŸ™

So should I go tonight?… emmm… I feel a bit lazy right now… but see how it goes when I reach home after office… if I feel going then I go, if not, I just land myself on the sofa… πŸ˜›

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pink magic :P

gym, muscle, muscle building, pink magic, supplement

The gym really missed me I guess… they called me just to find out if I’m ok coz I did not turn up to the gym for quite sometimes… yea, it is quite long… mid November was the last time I went to the gym… right after I renew my membership… πŸ˜›

It’s not that I don’t want to go, but I’m quite busy with other stuff ever since… tired… but I still have muscles even though I did not go to the gym for the past 3 months… well, with some littleΒ  fats of course… πŸ˜€

Talking about muscles… I came across with Pink Magic… muscles and pink?… yea I know, they don’t match… but anyway, pink magic is muscle building supplement… you can find pink magic reviews on the net if you like to know more about muscle building supplement… For now, I still can’t go to the gym… and the gym suggested to me to freeze my membership for a while so that I don’t waste my money… so, the past two month I did not go are considered frozen… for free coz freezing a membership cost RM30… So, I considered myself lucky coz my membership is somehow extended for another two months… πŸ˜›

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water bottle

core fitness, gym, weight loss, weight loss product

Renewed my Core Fitness membership today… this gonna be my second year… I joined in October last year. I don’t really go to gym… I just need a gym… complete with good equipments… where I can go anytime. I only use the weight stations, thread mills and bicycle… so far I have not use the free weight.

Last year when I joined, they gave a water bottle… I like it very much coz it look modern. The cap has a hook… a hole… or a hook-hole… where u can use it to carry the bottle with your finger while moving around. This year, they also gave water bottle. But this time, the bottle looks normal and cheap πŸ˜› and its pink… they said it is red… but to me, it looks red-pink.. so it is pink… ladies must like this bottle very much as much as the best weight loss pills for women they use after gym… maybe, I don’t know… but funny, I have not seen anybody carry the bottle in the gym yet… probably there are, but it just that I don’t bother to notice… who wants to notice something they don’t like… πŸ˜›


gym or sauna???

dip bar, dip station, gym, pull up bars, sauna, ventilation

The gym I’m frequenting is getting bad… I did not go to the gym for more than a week. A friend did told me about the bad ventilation in the gym last week, but never expected it was that bad. The air-con system in the gym is not running at full capacity… it is faulty… maybe only less than 10% of the air-con capacity is working.

After scanning my membership card and exchanging it with a towel at the counter, I went to the locker room… I have to go through the weightlifring area… and the place is like sauna!!! It was a bit crowded… people doing their weightlifting, pull up bars, pumping iron and so on… the air is so bad… so hard to breath… the air-con just can’t beat the heat generated by all the people… it was so unhealthy… imagine if one of them is sick, all the others can get infected easily!!! no ventilation… windows closed tightly… no air-con… damm…

In locker room, it was a bit better… cooler… after locking my bag, I went to the thread-mill area… it is at different floor. Although there is not many people there, it still very warm… I did my exercise slowly and only went to the weightlifting area after some of the people went home… but it was still like sauna… I hope the management can fix the ventilation as soon as possible, else I will write an official complain!!!

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not selling here… :P

body building, fat, gym, selling, stamina, the biggest looser, weight loss product

It’s getting apparent that this site is getting more attention lately for something… errr… something… errr… about fat? body building? losing weight? gym???… ok lah, the truth… i did talk all about that before… but I don’t remember I ever said you can buy weight loss products here… hahahaha… I don’t know how to do business man… I’m not a salesman… πŸ˜† OK that was not funny… but seriously I don’t sell or use any of it… I only go gym… to build my stamina for paintball… that’s it… πŸ˜› that one also depends if I’m lazy or not… sleepy or not… after office… but if you want to do rapid weight loss, then just be careful when using pills… each of them has advantage and disadvantage… good luck to those trying to lose weight πŸ˜› just go and watch The Biggest Looser for an inspirations… LOL

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going to hit 100

fat, gym, health, loss, muscles, product, weight

After attending gym for almost four months… at last I will be taking my four free instructor lead training next week… unless I don’t want too or postpone it…

When I join the gym, I was helped by friends on how to use the gym equipments… and I basically know how to use them already… but probably not in proper order… I just use any of the station as I like… well concentrating on my chest… πŸ˜€

And I have not check my weight ever since I started… but I think my weight has increased… not going less… coz I gain more muscles mass… and did maintain some of the fats… πŸ˜† so weight loss products is not necessary for me… coz when you are building muscles, it is not necessary that you will lose weight… you might gain more weight instead because of the muscle you are building… I think that is what happening… will check my weight next week… probably it ‘s gonna be 100 kg πŸ˜›

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blackout, so go photography…

blackout, city mall, gym, night, photography, weight loss

Supposed to do gym tonight… but unfortunately it was blackout at City Mall. I arrived there around 7.10pm… only certain parts of the mall are lit up. I ask one of the shop keepers how long the blackout has been… he said quite sometime… πŸ˜›

The gym is totally out… there is no single light I can see inside the gym… on the 1st and 2nd floor of the mall. So, I called Disney… who is also coming to the gym… he was still on his way. I told him about the blackout… then we decide to abandon the gym… and decided to go for night photography instead…

Since I did not bring my camera, I have to go back home… same with him. Going back is another hard part… there was a massive traffic jam at the main road outside the mall… and I was stuck there about half hour before manage to make a U-turn.

For the photography, we went to Kota Kinabalu’s Central Market… around it, there are many stalls selling foods… its quite lively… so we spend quite a long time there… and I was sweating and damm tired walking around… but well, since we did not go for gym, this is good way to do quick weight loss… πŸ˜€

After that, we proceeded to KDCA to take photos of the dragon lanterns… and it was so tiring… worse than doing exercise at the gym… I have to use every part of my muscle to stretch out to have a good view of the dragons… πŸ˜›


brisk walking

gym, joint, muscle, pain

Woke up this morning and both my legs are arching… but lucky it wasn’t the joint pains or knee pain… it just the muscle on my leg. It was caused by doing brisk walking on the treadmill yesterday at the gym.Β  I have not done the treadmill for sometimes… I usually do the ski which is like the treadmill but it uses more energy.

The pain was getting worse towards lunch time… I almost wanted to go for foot massage or reflexology… but luckily the pain subside. From now on, I’m going to do the treadmill and ski alternately so that I can train different parts of my leg instead of just doing the ski… πŸ˜›

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Back to Back Movies

2012, fat, food, gym, hunger, movie, ninja assassin

Watched movies back to back last night… first it was Ninja Assassin at 9.40 pm then 2012 at 11.50 pm.

It was not really planned… my body was still fatigue after the two weeks KL journey with the paintball tournament there. Although my body still says I’m tired, I still went to the gym yesterday and finished around 9.00 pm before we rushed to the cinema to find out what showing.

Then we decided to watch two movies… but after purchasing the tickets, we found out that we don’t have enough time to have dinner… and I was damm hungry after the gym!

Each of us end up eating 1901 beef burger, 5 balls of chicken balls and large popcorn plus large Pepsi… and these are not fat burner foods… but no choice coz we have no time… will burn what ever we ate tomorrow at the gym again… πŸ˜€

Ninja Assassin is full with bloods… I don’t think it’s suitable for kids.

2012 is not tat bad… makes you think… but I was falling asleep in some part coz it was already midnight… the movie over around 2.15 am…

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Core Fitness Solo Slim

core, fitness, gym, health, life, slim, solo, sports

About 4 weeks ago, I followed a friend to a gym. I have not entered any gym for the past 15 years… I think… πŸ˜›

I wanted to beef-up my muscle a bit… and build my stamina… coz next year if everything go smooth, we have a big plan to climb Mount Kinabalu… πŸ˜›

I’m not planning to get slim or get skinny… and I don’t want to get six packs or massive muscles… I just want to get healthy and fit to do our expedition… πŸ˜› Each of us probably need to carry 20kg or more of gears to climb Mount Kinabalu which stand at 4,095 meters high.

Then two weeks ago, I signed-up with the gym for 1 year membership… the gym is not Solo Slim Gym… but Core Fitness… yes it is without the gym at its name… yea, it sound weird without the gym at the back… probably the word gym is no longer suitable today… by just using the word fitness is good enough I guess… more grand probably… πŸ˜›

Anyway, Core Fitness is located at City Mall along the Lintas Road. Their equipments are great… the main reason I join them. An tonight, I brought two friends to the fitness center and each of them signed-up for 3 months membership… πŸ˜€

If they sign-up for 1 year membership… as a referrer I will be given extra two months free membership… but unfortunately they did not take the 1 year membership. And for my 1 year membership that I signed-up for, I was given a free water bottle… πŸ˜€


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