gym: go or don’t go…
gymShould I go gym tonight?… emm… This year, I changed my gym schedule… usually I go after office trice a week, meaning I go at night… around 7PM… but going after office is not that good coz I already tired in the office, so not much energy for gym π And sometimes I wont be able to make it even once for the whole week… so it a waste of membership… π although it’s not really an exclusive gym like the gym in richmond, but it really a waste when I can’t go for more than a month… or only once in a month.
So this year, I decided to go every Saturday morning… so at least I can go once a week rather than skipping the whole week or month. But tomorrow I need to go fix my car absorbers and tyres… meaning I won’t be able to go gym tomorrow morning… π
So should I go tonight?… emmm… I feel a bit lazy right now… but see how it goes when I reach home after office… if I feel going then I go, if not, I just land myself on the sofa… π