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Journey Around Sabah… my notebook crashed!

crash, journey, life, notebook, work

My journey from KK to Lahad Datu to Kunak to Semporna to Tawau and back to KK from Monday to Friday was great… well it’s more like this… KK – LDU – KNK – LDU – KNK – SPN – TWU – SPN – TWU – KK

Stayed 2 nights at Lahad Datu and another 2 nights at Tawau.

I wanted to update my blog every night… at least, but I can’t until today. It’s all because of my notebook.

On Thursday, after returning from Semporna, at King Park Hotel, Tawau around 4.00pm, when I switch on my notebook, it went berserk…

The mouse pointer has some kind of square shadows… I refresh it by pressing F5, the shadow gone… then it appears again… then I press the F5 again… nothing happen… then press once more… the screen went blank… I can’t shut it down… I end up forcing it to shutdown.

When I switch it on back, the screen is still blank. Then force shut down it again. When I switch it on again, the LEDs lights up but nothing happen… hard disk is not spinning… the hard disk LED just flicker for a while and gone.

Crap… I realize something very bad struck my notebook…

I called my colleague in another room to send me the tools… I want to open up the notebook. I took out the hard disk and shake it… damm… click click click click…

I have not backup my hard disk for the past one year… yes one year… and now my hard disk… click click click click…

I wanted to throw the notebook through the 3rd floor window.

I just pack it back and went to sleep, waiting for my colleague to call me for their ‘buka puasa’… or ‘sungkai’. I did not even bother to go down to take my lunch… my last meal was my breakfast.

Back to KK on Friday… non-stop from Tawau around 10am and reach KK around 5.30pm.

On Saturday, I went to my friend’s workshop… to see if I can recover my data. Before that, I went to buy some tools to open the hard disk screws… although my friend said he has all the tools. It cost me $25 I think… can’t even remember how much it was…

I told my friend I want to open up the hard disk… he advice me not to do it. I said it got click click click click… Well, he said most of the notebook hard disk is like that… but my Hitachi click click click click… is very loud.

To be positive, I trusted him, I did not open it… thinking the click click click click… must be the hard disk’s crash protection mechanism…

I connect the hard disk using a powered USB cable. Switch on the borrowed notebook and connect the USB cable. After ‘some’ time, the notebook detected the hard disk.

I open my most important folder first… My Documents… it warns me I have no authorization to open it… I just proceed… After a very ‘long’ time, it shows all my files… to make sure my files are not encrypted, I open one of the text file… phew… it opened.

Lucky I did not enable Bit Locker on my notebook… else I will face more major serious problem.

I slowly backup all my data…

Now, I’m crawling without my notebook… next week our destination is Keningau areas… without the notebook, it will be hard for me to do my work… just like a mechanic without screw driver.

While waiting for my stuff to be back-up, I read the Stuff magazine.


If you were on this plane, you will praise… no, bear hug the pilot

crash, plane

A 155mph gusting wind almost crashed a Lufthansa plane while landing at Hamburg airport. Luckily, the German pilots manage to bring back the Airbus A320 back on air but not before scrapping the ground with its left wing. This footage was captured on camera by plane-spotters which happened on 1st March 2008, Saturday, afternoon. You can read more at Times Online.


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