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Eat, eat and eat

diet, food, japanese, pills, tom yam

Has been eating a lot lately…

Has been eating Japanese foods too many times for the past few weeks…

Then eating loads of good foods for two days during conference at Le Meridian hotel…

Then went to eat tom yam and other stuff at Bukit Padang food stalls…

Then tomorrow going for seafood at Salut…

Man… I’m gonna need some diet pills after all this eating frenzy… πŸ˜›

Or maybe I’m not gonna need any of those pills coz I’m going to burn the fats back soon by doing load of works…

I… we… are looking forward for out seafood outing at Salut tomorrow… prawns, fish, squids, oysters, clams… wow…

And we are going to do some LAN party there… O_O



diet, H1N1, mask, pill

In the MCSE class last night, after we had a big dinner at the Karamusing Food Court, me, Disney and Donny, went to a pharmacy nearby. We went to the pharmacy not to go there to buy diet pill or any other diet thingy after our big dinner but Disney wanted to buy mask… surgical mask.

Well, the news about the H1N1 outbreak is getting warmer in KK… the nearest incident to my office is the primary school at Tanjung Aru. Disney bought a box of 50 surgical masks.

To test the mask, we plan to wear it to the class and probably scare the class at the same time and the people at the college too πŸ˜†

We went to the wash room at the 6th floor of the Karamunsing Complex and put on the mask. Then we walk to the class at 2nd floor.

whoaaa… look how dirty the mirror…

Well, we look like clowns wearing the mask… πŸ˜†

I guess the class got a little bit shocked with our antique…

The 3 Zorros playing Call of Duty 4… πŸ˜€

Wearing the mask is not very comfortable…. this is the first time I wear a mask. It feels very warm inside because of the warm breath. We wore the mask throughout the class… but I have to lift it up from time to time because I can’t stand the warm air generated inside…

But there was sad news at the end of the class… one of the students has been quarantine because his kid was suspected infected with the H1N1… OMG!!! We were just trying out the mask… and this news is really news to us!!!

I think we need to be careful with our activities from now on… sound not very safe… we don’t even know if the person next to us is infected or not… but this should not cause panic… everyone should just be careful and be prepared with all the precautions.

Update… Here is another photo posted by Josie in her Facebook… πŸ˜†


Hunger… tired… excited… busy…

diet, mcse, work

This week was so hectic… Monday was virtually doing nothing but meetings… morning… evening… Only took a plate of noodles with a piece of chicken for breakfast and no food till dinner. Man… my stomach was so… donno how to describe.

Then Tuesday was busy troubleshooting and answering all kind of craps… and I skip lunch. And man… my stomach was so… donno how to describe.

But I also received great news about my order from the net on Tuesday night. I ordered some stuff almost 3 weeks ago πŸ˜€

Wednesday, skip breakfast… and almost gone berserk becoz of the mail server… it was not transporting the internal mails out since donno when… probably Monday. Lucky luck is around… nothing serious.

And was also busy filing the eTax… damm… there is so much tax to pay… lucky some of the incomes are non-taxable.

If I keep on skipping my important meals, I sure will get thinner soon… . . . Continue Reading »


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