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oprah diet shows

diet, fat, halth, loss, oprah winfrey, overweight, pills, weight

If you follows Oprah Winfrey talk show lately… you will notice that stories about overweight people or dieting programs is getting more attention. She will invite guest to her show whether to the studio or through live video chat.

As far as what I have seen so far, I don’t think she ever do any best weight loss pills review, but her guests will tell the audience  how or what diet they have taken or gone through to cut down their size and weight…

Well she probably likes or wants to help those who are overweight to go through their daily life since she was quite ‘heavy’ before… 😛 And if you did not watch or missed her shows, you can check her website…

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big time toothache

life, loss, pills, slimming, toothache, weight

Ouchhhhhh… it’s over 1am and I’m having big time toothache right now… I have been trying to reduce the pain for the past 4 hours without any success…

All I can do is put water into my mouth to soak the tooth and the pain goes away for a while… then the pain comes back again after 5 minutes or so…

My vision is blurry right now… I’m like lost in outer space… somehow the nerve in my tooth is connected to every parts of my head…

If I can’t get rid of this toothache soon, I’m going to loose my appetite and soon will loose some weight… worse I will get skinny if I’m unable to eat like before… no need slimming pills or anything to throw away some of my belly fat… that will be horrifying…

A friends put a message in the Facebook asking me to take ‘pinang’… beetlenut… coz it has somekind of properties which act as natural painkiller… but how the heck to get it in the middle of the night???…

Shoot man… I will not get a good sleep tonight…

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Eat, eat and eat

diet, food, japanese, pills, tom yam

Has been eating a lot lately…

Has been eating Japanese foods too many times for the past few weeks…

Then eating loads of good foods for two days during conference at Le Meridian hotel…

Then went to eat tom yam and other stuff at Bukit Padang food stalls…

Then tomorrow going for seafood at Salut…

Man… I’m gonna need some diet pills after all this eating frenzy… 😛

Or maybe I’m not gonna need any of those pills coz I’m going to burn the fats back soon by doing load of works…

I… we… are looking forward for out seafood outing at Salut tomorrow… prawns, fish, squids, oysters, clams… wow…

And we are going to do some LAN party there… O_O


Meeting at 1Borneo

1borneo, pills, work

I had a meeting at 1Borneo on Tuesday, 24 March 2009. It was at the Ballroom, Level 3 and it starts at 8.30 am.

I leave home at 7.03 am and have to join the traffic jams at Lintas Road, Damai Road, Likas Bay Road and last but not least the Kingfisher Roundabout.

I usually take the first entrance to 1Borneo to go to the underground parking. I reached the 1Borneo underground parking at 7.58 am… damm… almost 1 hour on the road!!!

I really have no idea where the Ballroom is. When I enter 1Borneo, it was still empty. I walk to two counters on the ground floor but no one manning the counter. I went to the centre court and see someone looks like wearing uniform. I approached him thinking he is one of the workers and ask him where the Ballroom is.

He seems to be a bit lost but still answer me by pointing somewhere and saying it is near the lift. I reacted with ‘blur blur’ face… probably he sensed that and he said he will show me.

While walking with him, he told me he also not sure where the Ballroom is. He is just a driver and his boss also went to the Ballroom. My mind said… O shoot…

Anyway, he took me all the way to the Level 3 using the escalator. I saw my colleague already inside and join them.

They asked me whether I’m from downstairs… I said of course lah… you wan me to fly, the parking is downstairs what!!! Then they pointed outside… when I turned… OH NO… I SEE CARS… I SEE PARKING… right at the Level 3 of 1Borneo’s… the very next to the Ballroom… damm…

After lunch at the meeting, I went downstairs to my car. I stopped at Watson Pharmacy at Ground Floor to buy some weight loss pills… 😆 No lah… to buy some supplements. I bought Vitamin C and CoQ10. I have not taken those stuffs for quite sometimes… and luckily I have not encounter any flu, runny nose or sneezing since the last time I took them, especially the Vitamin C coz every time I stopped taking Vitamin C, I will sneeze a lot in the morning.


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