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january rain…

fund manager, home, housing, insurance, life, loan, mortgage, unit trust

Many things need be done this month. Whenever January comes, all kind of bills and statement will appear. And this is the time money is the most sought after raw material… 😛

Income tax letter received… need time to fill the online income tax from now… annual housing loan statements received… time to renew the mortgage life insurance… time to renew all the other insurance too… including car insurance… road tax… everything needs money!!!

The only good things this month is getting statements from the PNB for the Amanah Saham… and the other unit trust fund managers… how I wish I don’t have to pay anything… just getting my salary every month… 😛

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They migrated, did they see this coming?

home, life, migrating, real estate

My colleagues, husband and wife, are both holding senior posts. One day, that’s more than 5 years ago I think, they announced that they are going to resign and migrate somewhere else.

Both of them are earning almost $10K a month each and during that time the economy are considered very well. They have big house and I’m sure they own more than one houses.

I asked them, what’s’ the problem? The husband said, it’s for their kids. I asked, what’s wrong with our school? They said nothing wrong. Then I asked again, what is the big problem then? . . . Continue Reading »


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