A week ago, 23rd November, I attended a one day workshop on mobile content development at Sekolah Pengajian Seni, University Sabah Malaysia (UMS). At first, I was reluctant to attend the workshop coz it’s about developing apps for iPhone… i hate apple… 😛 but lucky I attended it, coz it did change my perception on iPhone as far as about selling apps at Apple Store 😛
I thought the workshop start at 8.30am… and I left home at about 7.45am… and it is more than 30KM away… you see, to reach my office which is about 10KM away, will take me 12 minutes without traffic jam… and it will take about 30 minutes when there is traffic jam… and to reach UMS I need to go through all the major traffic jam areas in the city… 😛
With all the super manoeuvres, short-cuts and zig zagging… I reach and park just in time… about 8.32am… but I still have to find the room… when I found the room, the room is almost empty… it seems that I was the second participant there… 😛 and it turn out the course start at 9am :O
The course went well… first, with the intro about iPhone apps development by the Mr. Azizi, the lawyer turned iPhone technologist lecturer… iPad/iPhone development tools… which I forgot what was the name at the moment… will dig it out later… and lastly group project… we have to propose an iPhone apps… there are 4 in my group, me and two colleagues, Celestine and Erwati, and another student, Aaron, from Mukah Politech. Aaron proposed we develop a medical information apps… apps that helps you to identify medicine… it will tell you what is the medicine for, contents, etc… I guess our proposal is OK… and I want to do it… as my first real project… seriously… 😛
OK, how am I going to do that???… i hate apple… i don’t have apple… i don’t want to waste money for apple…
Well, I’m going to virtualized the Mac OS X… yea… virtualized the Snowy Leopard… I want to use vmware to virtualized the Snowy Leopard on my Windows 7… and I have been trying since last week… the furthest I did was to get the Apple logo on my vmware… dammm… why can’t someone put a proper tutorials, tools… and of course a working copy of the Snowy Leopard on the net??? 😛
So, for the past one week, I have been searching the web directories for tutorials, tools and a working Mac OS X. I even started using the bit torrent… the uTorrent version… which I never use before… never used bit torrent before… well, I did use something similar long long time ago… eMule is the name… Aaron pointed out a probable working OS X out there in the bit torrent cyber space… I’ve already downloaded almost 10GB from rapidshare… and now trying the bit torrent for another 5GB… hope this is the one… 😛 wow… wat a long posting… 😛