He has no time, now what?
life, newsNo time?… This one is for sure going to boost the tourism industries for the whole of Malaysia… yeah right!!!
Shah Rukh Khan has no time for us lah… This Bollywood star got no time at all to attend the ‘state government’ official function to receive his Datukship on 29 November 2008… He is too busy with his schedule taking Fentraphen… The ‘state officials’ (the poor victims?… including the TYT?… and the people?) are now trying their best to arrange for an alternative date… for ‘him’ at the people’s expenses.
According to the news, the whole idea to confer this guy with ‘datukship’ came from two guys. The idea was mooted by former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin and with the Melaka’s Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam defending the idea. These two guys said ‘this will help boost tourism in Malaysia’… are you sure for ‘Malaysia’?… nope, I don’t think so… you watched and likes too much bollywood movies…
When the idea become news recently, it drew criticism from the public, including NGOs… some said ‘datukship’ is getting ‘low class’ nowadays… one reason not to respect or look up at ‘datuk’. And nobody listen to the people’s at that time… and now this what happened… so how lah? Maybe it’s true, more tourists will come…