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where the heck are my files…

auto, auto insurance quotes, insurance, life, policy

It’s time to fill in the income tax again… but I have not received all my insurance statements… and the submission dateline is by 30 April… 😛

And the worse thing… I can’t find my insurance policies… the whole file containing all my insurance thingy… life and auto insurance… 😛 I hope I just misplaced the file… it went missing at the same time as my passport and other certificates file the other day… I ransack the house and office and luckily found them stashed behind one of the drawers…

Now, it’s time for me to ransack the house and office again… I need to find it before the dateline… else I have to ask for new life and auto insurance quotes… that means more works and documents to deal with… 😛

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contact messages… lost in cyberworld

cform, contact, insurance, life, message, plugin, policy, wordpress

I just realized today that my blog’s contact page is not working when used with Internet Explorer. When I setup the WordPress plug-in called cform quite sometimes ago, I’m very sure I have tested it and it was working.

When I look into my WordPress plug-ins today, the cform seems to be not working when used in IE, but it works if used in Firefox… messages submitted through the contact forms are not delivered to my mailbox…

I guess I’ve lost many inquires or messages submitted through the contact form… for that I apologize to those who has submitted inquires or messages to me which I never replied.

Truly, it was never my intention not to reply if you ever sent any inquiry or message to me.

Now, instead of using forms for my contact, you can email me directly… I’ve updated my contact page where you can see my e-mail detail in it.

I hope by displaying my email address in the contact it will not invites unwanted emails… spam emails like Viagra pills, gambling, life insurance policy quote… phishing that I won 20 million dollars… etc… etc…

I wish I can find a good contact form plug-in for WordPress coz contact form is much better… email address is not exposed to spam bots… 😛

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