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contact messages… lost in cyberworld

cform, contact, insurance, life, message, plugin, policy, wordpress

I just realized today that my blog’s contact page is not working when used with Internet Explorer. When I setup the WordPress plug-in called cform quite sometimes ago, I’m very sure I have tested it and it was working.

When I look into my WordPress plug-ins today, the cform seems to be not working when used in IE, but it works if used in Firefox… messages submitted through the contact forms are not delivered to my mailbox…

I guess I’ve lost many inquires or messages submitted through the contact form… for that I apologize to those who has submitted inquires or messages to me which I never replied.

Truly, it was never my intention not to reply if you ever sent any inquiry or message to me.

Now, instead of using forms for my contact, you can email me directly… I’ve updated my contact page where you can see my e-mail detail in it.

I hope by displaying my email address in the contact it will not invites unwanted emails… spam emails like Viagra pills, gambling, life insurance policy quote… phishing that I won 20 million dollars… etc… etc…

I wish I can find a good contact form plug-in for WordPress coz contact form is much better… email address is not exposed to spam bots… 😛

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Aaahhhhhhh… die lah!.. die lah!..

blog, wordpress

So many talks about upgrading to WordPress 2.5 experienced flying around the net. I had a ‘tense’ experience when I upgraded my snapshots yesterday.

I started around 6.00pm by trying to rename the folder containing the website contents. But it gave me error! I tried a few more times but it still gave me the same result.

I was planning like this… once I renamed the website folder, I will upload the new version to the right folder. But that was hampered by the error encountered every time I tried to rename the folder.

I called Ben, to ask him if he had upgraded his website. He had but did encounter a problem. But it’s not the same as mine!!!

At the end, I took the drastic step… I dropped a BOMB by DELETING the folder’s contents! If you are not sure what I mean, I was actually deleting the website’s contents! During the deleting process then only I found out there are two folders giving error. I believe these are the causes I can’t rename the master folder.

I keep trying to delete the two folders but it just don’t allow me to do it… the error message said I have no rights to the folders!

Then I said ‘what the heck!’… I just uploaded the new version and paste whatever necessary files into the folder. After uploading, I tried accessing the updated website. Damm… it asking me for password to access the site!!! I keep cancelling the password message… and the upgraded site appears. Shoottt… this is the results of the upgrade!!!

Aaahhhhhhh… die lah!.. die lah!.. At the end, I send a 24×7 ticket to my host asking them to delete the two folders. After one hour around 10pm, when I tried accessing the website again, woohoooooo… it’s working… it’s OK!!!

I check my email… got reply from the host. They said it seems the two folders are just floating there… so they just restarted all the services to my website and the two folders gone after that.

OK lah… that was my scary experience yesterday.


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