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Insurance Wholesaler

insurance, quotes, rates, wholesale

Found a great site about life insurance last night… it’s like a wholesale insurance store. It helps you compare term life insurance quotes and rates.

By just giving your height, weight and birth dates, it helps you to compare quotes and rates from more than 12 top insurance companies such as American General, Banner Life, Genworth, ING, John Hancock, Lincoln, MetLife, Prudential, RBC Insurance, Transamerica Insurance and Wet Coast Life.

If you like to try it, just visit and enter the three particulars it asked… the info it presented are so useful for you to make your final decision.

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Lucky not broken

accident, claim, extreme, insurance, paintball, quotes, sports

On the fist day of November, which happens to be All Saints Day, I had a bad self accident during a paintball game. There are about 20 over of us from the MCSE class playing.

I fall down while trying to shift from one bunker to the other. It was the last match… it is actually an additional match after most of the other went back… only about 9 of us left and we decided to play 3 on 3.

My left trigger finger… index finger… was badly torn… coz I fall down and the trigger finger was absorbing my fall… holding my 95kg body weight!!! But lucky it did not brake to the opposite but instead get torn…

Went to clinic at Donggongon and had 5 stitches on it. Supposed to remove the stitches on 10th day, but I was away in KL for the Hacker Halted 2009… at the end I only manage to remove it on the 14th November at Medicare Clinic in Mid Valley, KL.

Then had it x-ray on Monday, 16th November, at the same clinicΒ coz I was worried something might be broken inside… yea, should have x-ray it before it get stiched… πŸ˜›

But anyway, I’m lucky nothing broken inside… except it is still swollen till now and still cant bend it completely.

Next, I need to do insurance quotes… errr.. insurance claim… I must get my insurance to refund me all the medical bills… and plus 2 weeks of allowance… probably RM150 per week… πŸ˜€

Thanks to Donny who send me to the clinic and helping to take the photos inside the clinic… πŸ˜€

The torn trigger finger

Not crying… just giving pressure to the arm to reduce pain while getting clean… πŸ˜›


and stiching…

Stiched… πŸ˜›

Getting anti-tetanus jab.


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