We are at the final month of the year… mail box… the real mail box… will start getting filled with season greetings cards… annual reports for your investments… annual bills for your life insurance… and so on.

A few weeks ago I collected a few bills from the mail box… yea, bills… that’s what I think of them all… one of it is from AIA… yea, AIA the insurance company where I bought all my insurance… and I’m sure it was bill…

So I, I tried to make time to go to AIA’s office at Karamunsing… and manage to spare some time last Friday during the lunch time. Getting parking at AIA’s office is easy, just enter their compound and double park… 😀

I took a queue number and waited… when my number called, I went to the counter and show my ‘bill’ and said I want to pay the ‘bill’… the moment she look at the ‘bill’ she told me… ‘you don’t have to pay that, it just to inform u the premium has been paid’… o shoot… so bloody shy… shame… damm… I pretend I don’t know and said… oh, I was confused, it looks like bill… i forgot i’ve change to autopay using my credit card… bla bla bal… mumbling… mumbling…. 😛 shoot…

Why the heck insurance companies don’t provide online services like the bank? If they’ve provided the service, I should have not wasted my time and save my water face 😛 … With online services, I can check all my insurance status anytime… get an instant life insurance quote anytime… grrrrr… shame…