Ouchhhhhh… it’s over 1am and I’m having big time toothache right now… I have been trying to reduce the pain for the past 4 hours without any success…

All I can do is put water into my mouth to soak the tooth and the pain goes away for a while… then the pain comes back again after 5 minutes or so…

My vision is blurry right now… I’m like lost in outer space… somehow the nerve in my tooth is connected to every parts of my head…

If I can’t get rid of this toothache soon, I’m going to loose my appetite and soon will loose some weight… worse I will get skinny if I’m unable to eat like before… no need slimming pills or anything to throw away some of my belly fat… that will be horrifying…

A friends put a message in the Facebook asking me to take ‘pinang’… beetlenut… coz it has somekind of properties which act as natural painkiller… but how the heck to get it in the middle of the night???…

Shoot man… I will not get a good sleep tonight…