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please stop open burning

bush fire, environment, open burning, recycle, refurbished, tambalang

Firemen are the most busy people nowadays… fire are everywhere… especially bush fire…

The fire station near my office at Sembulan is very busy… every day I can hear the fire engine’s siren almost every hour.

The weather is already very hot coz there was no rain for the past 1 month or so… then there are thick haze… sometimes the visibility is just 10km away… this is very bad… bad for our health.

So people, please stop doing open burning… try your best to refrain from burning your garbage, old junks, grass, bush… anything.

Try to recycle where possible… sell your old junks, old news papers, papers… anything… even your metal junks… plastic junks… don’t burn them… I’m sure your junks can be sold to 2nd hand shops… and they can sell it as second hand items or they can refurbished them before selling them again… you will be surprised what they sells in 2nd hand shops… you can even find refurbished fitness equipment in there 😀

We have a few bundles of old news papers at home… I brought my two nephews to sell the old papers at Luyang… 39kg… RM3.90 not much but good enough to save the environment 😀

Just look at this bush fire from the clearing near the Tambalang Race Course in Tuaran two weeks ago, 28 February 2010… disaster… not just to human but to other living things… poor birds…


i need to get rid of this itch

alergy, Damai Specialist Hospital, dsc, health, insurance, tambalang

Both my palms and soles are super itchy… since early Friday morning. I was awaken probably around 4am on Friday morning and I was scratching my palms and soles like a dog scratching its body…

The more I scratch, the more itchy it feels… and it feels damm bloody good…

The itch are not on the surface of the skin but under. Although I scratch them so hard, the skins did not peeled off coz the palms and soles skins are very thick.

I don’t know what happen or how I got this itchy thingy… first I thought it was caused by the grass on the paintball field where I was taking photos under the hot sun for two days last week. But if it was the grass then my other skin should have rash or itch… but none.

Then I thought it could be the dirt, bugs or other stuff like horse urine I catch while taking photos at the Tembalang Horse Race Course two weeks ago, 28 February 2010… probably… probably some bugs or germ from the horse… and it took 2 weeks to incubate inside my soles or palms… 😛

With the race course scoreboard keeper (above) With the race starter officers (below)

But then again it could be anything I ate a few days ago… and it caused allergies to my body… 😛 And I do have skin allergies but that was like 15 years ago… it was gone after I took injection 15 years ago.

I really need something… anything… to get rid of this itch… 😛

So today, I went to Damai Specialist Hospital (DSH)… usually I go to Hill Top Clinic when I sick. But since this is something extreme, I decided to go to DSH. I went there around 11 am. Registered myself since this is the first time I went there. But since there was 10 people ahead of me I only gave my urine and blood and decided to go somewhere else coz the nurse said it might take 2 – 3 hours for the doctor to finish the queue…

They called me back around 3pm… and within 10 minutes I was at DSH again. But I have to wait another half hour or more after I reach there coz the doctor was still treating another patient.

The doctor recorded my case and even draw my hand but he don’t know how to draw… 😛 so he took out his little camera and snap my palms… but I still have to wait 5 days for his diagnosis… he gave me 3 types of medicines… and the lab, medicines, consultations and registration costs me RM339.75 😛 I guess only beautiful site for life insurance will make me happy… and I’m going back for the review next Thursday, 18 March… I wish I can ask my insurance to foot the bills… :Pīģŋ

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