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inspiration… semangat…

apex, comfort zone, house cleaning, inspiration, life, recycle, semangat

I’m getting uneasy with the mess in my office and room back home… it’s not about the work… I don’t want to talk about work this time… it’s about the ‘garbage’ which seems to be increasing exponentially in my office and room… πŸ˜›

The fault can be attributed by myself… I’m the type who don’t like to throw ‘stuffs’ away… but at the same time I don’t know how to arrange ‘stuffs’… and some laziness… the stuffs I’m talking about are letters, magazines, books, notes, boxes, etc… If it digital stuffs, then it will be easier, coz it wont take space. But these are real… physically there which occupy my space… all the time… and the space I have is getting smaller and smaller…

And worse, these stuffs are not only taking my space… it sit there idling doing nothing, giving me nothing… zero… nil… I never look or refer to it ever since I put it there… well, almost all of it… the feeling of needing it someday makes me ‘letting it go’ difficult… it’s hard to let go… so they are happily occupying my precious space doing nothing.

So I needed an inspiration or ‘semangat’ to get out from my comfort zone, if that can be considered as comfort zone… so instead of looking for apex house cleaning service, I asked a good friend which I think can inspire me… coz if I use my own inspiration, I’ll be back to square one… if I start cleaning up now like before, I will start keeping back what I want to throw… and end up throwing nothing at the end. But if it from someone I believe who can truly inspire me… and be discipline with the idea I was given, chances are… I can get rid of all these stuffs without feeling bad… yea, feeling bad is one of the major reason I can’t throw away old stuffs… the friend suggests recycling… yea, recycle wont hurt that much I guess… now that I’m inspired, let’s see what will happen the next few weeks or probably months later… πŸ˜›

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please stop open burning

bush fire, environment, open burning, recycle, refurbished, tambalang

Firemen are the most busy people nowadays… fire are everywhere… especially bush fire…

The fire station near my office at Sembulan is very busy… every day I can hear the fire engine’s siren almost every hour.

The weather is already very hot coz there was no rain for the past 1 month or so… then there are thick haze… sometimes the visibility is just 10km away… this is very bad… bad for our health.

So people, please stop doing open burning… try your best to refrain from burning your garbage, old junks, grass, bush… anything.

Try to recycle where possible… sell your old junks, old news papers, papers… anything… even your metal junks… plastic junks… don’t burn them… I’m sure your junks can be sold to 2nd hand shops… and they can sell it as second hand items or they can refurbished them before selling them again… you will be surprised what they sells in 2nd hand shops… you can even find refurbished fitness equipment in there πŸ˜€

We have a few bundles of old news papers at home… I brought my two nephews to sell the old papers at Luyang… 39kg… RM3.90 not much but good enough to save the environment πŸ˜€

Just look at this bush fire from the clearing near the Tambalang Race Course in Tuaran two weeks ago, 28 February 2010… disaster… not just to human but to other living things… poor birds…


we are full of boxes

boxes, recycle, shipping, storage

Every year we collects piles of boxes… these boxes are packaging box for all the things we boughtΒ this year…. they are packaging box for electronic stuffs. And these boxes are not the normal box… they are thick and strong used as shipping boxes… strong enough to be thrown into the airplane cargo belly…


So, from time to time, our office will reserve some days before we go back home to arrange all the boxes piled in our training room cum store room cum multipurpose room πŸ˜›

Usually some of us will take back some of the boxes which can be used at home… For the rest of the boxes, we throw it to a re-cycling center… πŸ˜€

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