Scarry High Tide at Tuaran Beach Resort
tuaran beach resortOn the night of 28 November 2007, the night before our annual workshop, at around 11pm, we were instructed by the resort management to shift our vehicles to a higher ground. Gosh… are we going to be hit by tsunami? We got panic a bit when the news broke… Actually, a week before, the resort was flooded with sea water. They said, on that day, the waves were so high until the sea waters spills into the resort and flooded it for about 2 feet of sea water. Their swimming pool water is replaced with sea water… so much sand inside the pool.
Luckily, nothing bad happened that night. The waves was not so high, only a bit of sea water splashed into the resort ground and but it manage to go back to the sea through the drain.
The photos below shows the waves hitting the ‘sea wall’. In normal day, the ‘wall’ is more than 7 feets high… but here, it shows the sea level is almost as high as the resort ground.