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la flor dominicana double ligero

cigars, forex, money

If you see someone huge, fat, surrounded with lots of young girls and puffing endless la flor dominicana double ligero cigars… that guy probably has deep pocket… a very rich man… or a mafiaso god father.

Talking about money… usually we see rich people smoke cigar… but I’m not really gonna talk about cigar coz that scene we normally see on movie… yea, I’m imagining a huge fat Italian mafia godfather smoking cigar in a restaurant eating pizza… 😀 OK back to money talk… everything needs money… but how to get lots of money?… last week, I was somehow was re-introduced with forex market… buying and selling money which you don’t have… they are all virtual.

Although they are virtual, you can actually make or lose your real money… but if you do very well in forex trading, you can get tons of money… so, I wanted to try it again… the last time I tried it, I lost some money… hopefully this time I will make some… and can start smoking cigar… but wait, I hate smokers… 😛

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cigarette, cigars, hookah, shisha, smoke

People like smoke… and smoke was around us since very long time ago… before the invention of modern wired and wireless communication devices, smoke was used as long distance communication device as visual communication… 😛

Then people fall in love with smoke… so they eat smoke!… they inhale smoke!… 😛 And I hate smoke!… I can’t stand smoke… I will sneeze and my nose will start runny when someone’s second hand smoke enters my nose… I’m referring to cigarette if you have not figured it out… 😛

Then there is cigar… another inhale smoke thingy… but cigar have better smell and I don’t really remember if I get runny nose if cigar’s smoke enter my nose… coz there are not many people smoking cigar walking around…

Then there is hookah or shisha… a smoking through water thingy… well, that’s how I see it… and they said it’s safer than cigarettes and cigars… I don’t really know… and hookah is widely used in Arab world… but it is actually invented in India… 😛

OK, enough with smoke for today… but I will tell more about smoke or ‘asap’ next time… 😀


cigar vs cigarette

cigarette, cigars, health, life, online

Usually every year, the national budget will touch on cigarette tax. But this year, it seems like none… I’m not sure… probably there was but it was made to look not so important this time.

For health reason, the government usually increases the tax on tobacco products especially cigarette every year to deter existing and new to be smokers from spending their money to buy cigarette…. which is good… I really hate second hand smoke!!! If the tax on cigarette keep on increasing, one day the price of cigarette will overtake the price of the cigars online which is openly sold… :p

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