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CART vs. NPY… Good vs. Evil… Good Guy vs. Villain

CART, NPY, phenphedrine, weight loss, weight loss product

Every time I talk about my joy of eating food, someone will offer me a weight loss program… but I don’t think I’m that heavy… not yet… have not reach 100kg… πŸ˜› The latest weight loss program I saw is The funny thing about it is, it talked about the battle in my brain which cause the weight increase… CART vs. NPY… Good vs. Evil… Good Guy vs. Villain… It’s hard for me to explain, it will be easier if you just go there and read it… πŸ˜›

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water bottle

core fitness, gym, weight loss, weight loss product

Renewed my Core Fitness membership today… this gonna be my second year… I joined in October last year. I don’t really go to gym… I just need a gym… complete with good equipments… where I can go anytime. I only use the weight stations, thread mills and bicycle… so far I have not use the free weight.

Last year when I joined, they gave a water bottle… I like it very much coz it look modern. The cap has a hook… a hole… or a hook-hole… where u can use it to carry the bottle with your finger while moving around. This year, they also gave water bottle. But this time, the bottle looks normal and cheap πŸ˜› and its pink… they said it is red… but to me, it looks red-pink.. so it is pink… ladies must like this bottle very much as much as the best weight loss pills for women they use after gym… maybe, I don’t know… but funny, I have not seen anybody carry the bottle in the gym yet… probably there are, but it just that I don’t bother to notice… who wants to notice something they don’t like… πŸ˜›


biggest lipofuze loser

DIVA Universal, fat, lipofuze, The Biggest Loser Asia Season 2, weight loss, weight loss product

Astro’s DIVA Universal viewers Β are talking more about losing weight… so maybe I should do lipofuze review this time… maybe not… but what’s on DIVA Universal?… well that’s where they show The Biggest Loser Asia Season 2… and it’s already episode 9… and they are only left with four contestant in red team and three contestants in blue team.

The competition is getting stiffer and members in each team are starting to back stab each other to stay put to the final episode. When contestant Saw from red team was booted out this week, the red team started breaking apart… we will see that in episode 10. I hate the blue team coz its members are ‘arrogant’… the red team are mo friendly… I hope the red team will win… πŸ˜›

The blue team has lost 5 of its members plus 1 from red team which was transferred to them. The red team so far lost 3 members plus 1 which was transferred to blue team. Whenever the red team win challenge or weighing, they shows their sportsmanship by not irritating the other team… but whenever the blue team win, they really don’t have a sportsmanship… they shows their irritating actions… that’s why I want them to lose… πŸ˜›

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not selling here… :P

body building, fat, gym, selling, stamina, the biggest looser, weight loss product

It’s getting apparent that this site is getting more attention lately for something… errr… something… errr… about fat? body building? losing weight? gym???… ok lah, the truth… i did talk all about that before… but I don’t remember I ever said you can buy weight loss products here… hahahaha… I don’t know how to do business man… I’m not a salesman… πŸ˜† OK that was not funny… but seriously I don’t sell or use any of it… I only go gym… to build my stamina for paintball… that’s it… πŸ˜› that one also depends if I’m lazy or not… sleepy or not… after office… but if you want to do rapid weight loss, then just be careful when using pills… each of them has advantage and disadvantage… good luck to those trying to lose weight πŸ˜› just go and watch The Biggest Looser for an inspirations… LOL

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