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25th anniversary, celebration, gifts, gifts for parents, merdeka, national day

Today is the national day… in any country around the world, national day or independence day is celebrated with a big celebration… fireworks, concerts, air show, marching… just anything to display the country’s achievement since its independence… after all its the country’s birthday… anniversary… πŸ˜€

But this year, for a month, the atmosphere is just not there… it’s hardly to see anyone flying the flag… you can count the number of cars displaying the flag with your fingers… I’m not alone, others in other parts of the country are also saying the same thing… what is going on? Izzit more worth to buy a 25th anniversary gifts for parents compared to buying a flag?…

Can’t really blame the people… two incidents during the Merdeka’s month have greatly affected the patriotism atmospheres… how could the leadership said it’s just a minor thingy when two principles of two national schools… one at north and one at south of semenanjung express their racist remarks to the students and teachers openly seem to be off the hook?!!!… Teachers just can’t do to that… Teachers can’t preach racism!!!… But here we have two school principles doing and preaching racism to the nation’s new generation… to the nation’s future leaders!!! Should we blame the people for losing their senses?… I don’t think so… the authority should have swing into action and punish the two immediately!!!… if they have done that, I’m sure the sense of patriotism will be very high…

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Dance, Unicorn and Lion Celebration

acne lotion, celebration, chinese new year, festival, lion dance, sun block, sunburn, unicorn

Last Saturday, 6 February 2010, went to see the launching of Pesta Tarian, Unicorn dan Singa… in other words, the launching of Dance, Unicorn and Lion Celebration… in conjunction with the coming Chinese New Year Festival on the 14 and 15 February 2010.

The launching was held at the Padang Merdeka or Padang Bandaran in Kota Kinabalu around 3.00pm and finished around 5.30pm.

The crowd are quite large… the main stage’s seats are full and the surrounding the field is crowded with spectator and of course by the lion, unicorn, dragon and dance troops…

Me and Disney was roaming amongst the troops to have good pictures of them… and the 3.00 pm sun is quite hot… lucky my muscles are quite fit ever since attending gym πŸ˜€ so I was not getting tired so fast with the hot sun… but the sun is biting and burning… and was not using sun block lotion or acne body lotion… and this will surely make the back neck gets sun burn and red spots like acne, which will appears in the next few days…:P

Anyway, when it was launched, the sound of the drums and gongs beating was spectacular… imagine standing and walking around next to the many troops… beating their musical instruments and performing with their lion, unicorn and dragon πŸ˜€ but it was enjoyable and worthy πŸ˜€


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Small gathering in our multipurpose room

celebration, furniture, multipurpose, office, room, work

Last week, 16 December 2009, our small office… a small branch of a big department had a small gathering among us… it was a 3 in 1 celebration.

First, to celebrate one of our staff achievements who received an excellent award this year… second to celebrate our boss and another colleague belated birthday… and third to thank our two trainee, college students, who have been with us for the past six months.

We had our small party in our multipurpose room… a training room, a store room, a meeting room… it can be any room you like it to be anytime… πŸ˜€ we don’t have much office furniture inside the room but probably you might say it is full of junk if you see what inside the room… πŸ˜›

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Merry Christmas

celebration, christmas, hope, joy, life, peace

Christmas is here bringing good cheer to all mankind… let us celebrate together the peace, joy and hope it brings.

Merry Christmas


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