Modified my putter
golfOn Wednesday, I did not take my lunch. So, I went out early with Nadzree for a drink around 4pm. We had our drinks at Apiwon, Luyang. I also took a bowl of ngiu-chap since I was quite hungry. We actually planned to go to Likas Driving Range to cut my putter. My putter is a bit long… I don’t really want to cut it but I have only two choices… bending it so that it suits my height or cut it shorter.
At the driving range, there is one small shop… the owner, Francis, is doing golf services minus teaching. Next to his shop is Prodigy Golf School. Other than selling golf equipments and merchandise, he also fix golf club. You can fix, modify or replace your golf’s shaft here.
His advice to me is not to cut it… but bend it to suit my posture and height. Cool, I saved my putter! And he did it for free… maybe because I said I want to buy a new set soon… 😀