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lamb… junk… lamb…

adapexin-p, fat, fat burner, food, foods, junks

Chinese New Year just over a week ago… there are all kind of feelings… some said it was quite… some said it was fantastic… well, sure it depends who said it… as for me, it was noisy but I had a bad cough… not really cough but wheezing lung… it started 3 days before the CNY… lucky I did not experience any bad sore throat although I was coughing quite bad till I can taste blood in my throat on the second day of the infection. As usual, I try not to take any medicine other than Vitamin C… I was consuming about 2000mg of Vitamin C every night… and I guess it really helps although my lung was wheezing every night… but it’s almost gone now 😀

Food… yea, food… foods are everywhere… fresh and junk… was eating tons of pork, duck, chicken, lamb… even after the long public holiday, there are still foods served… in the office… on Tuesday, the QS section treat the whole office with CNY lunch… lamb… lamb… lamb… yea I just wack the lamb… then tomorrow, our section gonna have CNY lunch at Hyatt… weeeee… lamb… lamb… lamb… again… 😀 I think my tummy has gone up 1 or 2 inches… 😛 gonna need some adapexin-p to burn all those belly fats… and I have not visited the gym since my last visit in November last year… 😛 Hope to get back on track soon… coz the junk in the containers are evil… I’m like an addict… after dinner, I will automatically reach for the containers and grab… grab… those junks… 😛

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Office Junks

5s, furniture, junks, office, stuff

For the past two weeks, our office was trying to clean up and rearranging the office. There were zillions of old stuff and junks… one might wonder how it came into this situation…

Well, when you are dealing with maintenance… especially IT maintenance… sometimes it is very hard just to throw away junks… the junks might not be usable anymore, but there are important parts inside it which can be used as spare parts.

And spare parts… especially for old junks are very hard to find… u  might not even able to buy it… coz it might no longer in the market… or no longer in production… obsolete… extinct… dinosaur…

So here we are, trying to use the 5S system… you know the Japanese’s 5S… Seiri, Seiso, Seiketsu & Shitsuke… translate that into English… well some say it is… Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize & Sustain… or… Sort, Systematize, Shining, Standardize & Self-Discipline.

I manage to run away from doing the ‘gotong-royong’ last week, starting from Wednesday because I went outstation to Sandakan until Friday 😆

But looking at the whole situation… I think we do not have enough office furniture like cabinets or drawers to keep all this old stuffs and junks… that’s why we end up just piling it up into the store room until there is no more space… it was not arrange properly, so they occupied more space.

Well, hopefully we can sustain or self-discipline our self doing this 5S thingy… 😀

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