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appetite, appetite suppressant, fat burner, fenphendrine, food

Do you know what is Fenphedrine?… NO?… me too… 😛

I was googling when I saw this fenphedrine reviews in one of the suggestions. So I click it to see the reviews… It turnout fenphendrine which sound almost like pen drive, is actually diet pills. It’s a fat burner and also to help control appetite… definitely not for me… I will not control my appetite… I need food all the time… 😛 People said I’m fat but I’m less then 100kg… 😀

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lamb… junk… lamb…

adapexin-p, fat, fat burner, food, foods, junks

Chinese New Year just over a week ago… there are all kind of feelings… some said it was quite… some said it was fantastic… well, sure it depends who said it… as for me, it was noisy but I had a bad cough… not really cough but wheezing lung… it started 3 days before the CNY… lucky I did not experience any bad sore throat although I was coughing quite bad till I can taste blood in my throat on the second day of the infection. As usual, I try not to take any medicine other than Vitamin C… I was consuming about 2000mg of Vitamin C every night… and I guess it really helps although my lung was wheezing every night… but it’s almost gone now 😀

Food… yea, food… foods are everywhere… fresh and junk… was eating tons of pork, duck, chicken, lamb… even after the long public holiday, there are still foods served… in the office… on Tuesday, the QS section treat the whole office with CNY lunch… lamb… lamb… lamb… yea I just wack the lamb… then tomorrow, our section gonna have CNY lunch at Hyatt… weeeee… lamb… lamb… lamb… again… 😀 I think my tummy has gone up 1 or 2 inches… 😛 gonna need some adapexin-p to burn all those belly fats… and I have not visited the gym since my last visit in November last year… 😛 Hope to get back on track soon… coz the junk in the containers are evil… I’m like an addict… after dinner, I will automatically reach for the containers and grab… grab… those junks… 😛

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need to reenergized

fat, fat burner, mens fat burner, recharged, reenergized, rejuvenates

I’m always feeling sleepy lately… I do feel sleepy all the time before but lately it seems that sleep is always not enough for me… I feel very sleepy especially during afternoon. Like last Friday, after lunch, I lock my office door and sleep… not really sleep coz I was sitting on my chair and try to sleep… I did get a short nap I think… probably about 15 to 20 minutes. And sleeping in sitting position is very tiring… I mind did feel less sleepy after that but my body feel more tired…

Probably I have not done any exercise for some times… my last visit to the gym was in mid November last year… yea, I really need to wake up all my muscles… I think they are all enjoying sleeping and building fats… 😛 But I don’t really care if I’m building fats but I really need to feel fresh so that I can work better… energized! I can always burn all those fats latter with mens fat burner exercise in the gym…

I should plan my exercise soon… maybe this week… errr… maybe next week… I hope I can make some time to visit the gym again… I really need to do some running… on the thread mills… 😛 Not really into losing weight but to rejuvenates my power… I need to be recharged… reenergized… even while writing this I feel so sleepy… Maybe I should use the stairs… runs up and down… just like what my friend told me this evening… he wanted to lose some weight… by running up and down on the stairs at home… 😛

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burn fatso… burn…

fat burner, fatburner,, rapid weight loss, the biggest loser

OK, to continue with what I have said about rapid weight loss in my previous posting… there is one more thing cropped up… fat burner… yea, it sounded so powerful… as if, if you want to lose your fat immediately, you can do it rapidly by burning your fat… yaiksss… 😆 it sounded like burning fat is a big thing till they have to make site specially for it at 😆 I think the site is about all the fat burner thingy around the world… I’m lazy to read… I like to sleep only… so if you are in for The Biggest Loser then that place could be your next of final destiny… 😆

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