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facebook just went public

facebook, gift, ipo, Mark Zuckerberg, Nasdaq, Nasdaq Stock Market, share

Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting… That’s the sound of Nasdaq Stock Market bell made by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook just went public at $38 per share… Facebook sold 421.2 million shares at $38 each which put Facebook value at $104 billion, upped $16 billion… 😛

As comparison, here are the values of the top five companies as of yesterday closing stock prices…
Apple, $496 billion
Exxon Mobil, $383 billion
Microsoft, $250 billion
IBM, $229 billion
Wal-Mart Stores, $210 billion

I wish I have the money and access to the Facebook shares… one lot will be… $38 x 1000 shares… that’s USD$38,000… multiply that with 3 thus making it RM114,000… and that is just the price of initial public offering or IPO… I can’t even make that in one year… 😛

Analyst said Facebook is less than $100 billion, but the banks helping it to go public put it at that value forcing everyone without choice to accept it at that value. That’s how shares being traded… if banker said the value of this piece of paper is $100 although its actual value is just $1, everyone have to accept it… that’s how powerful bankers are.

Well, only rich people can play this game… and they’re getting richer… they can give Ferrari as presents to each of their girlfriends… while those who can’t afford these expensive stocks can only afford wife gift to whet her whistle… that’s life… hahahaha…


electro acupuncture

back pain, cold sweat, electro acupuncture, electronic, flowers, gift, health, mother's day

Although with the three type of medicines and a massage, my back pain did not subside… I almost fainted on the second night… last Saturday… the pain was so severe… till my whole body soaked with my cold sweat… yea, it was cold sweat… if you know what cold sweat is… then you can imagine how bad was I that night. But luckily, the severe pain pass-by after like 10 minutes… and I manage to get a sleep after that.

I did not take any leave this week… but did take emergency leave on Friday… although I’m still in pain. I shared my experience with my colleagues… and one of them suggested to use the electronic acupuncture… and loan me his the next day, Tuesday. So on Tuesday, I tried the device before lunch time… after using it for 15 minutes… I was able to walk straight!!! It was miracle!!!… I even manage to go to the gym on Wednesday!!!… previously… in the last 2 incident, it took me about 2 weeks before I can walk straight. The electronic acupuncture really suits me… I bet some might also benefit from this little device and instead of buying flowers for mother’s day, why not buy this little wonders, the Nicomizu NOM-699 Digital Acu-Pro, for Mother’s Day?…

I actually bought the Nicomizu NOM-699 Digital Acu-Pro for my back pain… and another colleague also bought one after she heard my experience… 😀

Nicomizu Digital Acu-Pro electronic acupuncture


invitations… money come… money go…

gift, invitation, money, wedding

Usually, towards the end of the year… there will be lots of invitations… all kind of invitations…. like year end party invitations, anniversary invitations, birthday invitations, wedding invitations… and so on.

Of all the invitations, the most expensive invitation will be the wedding invitation. Maybe some don’t feel or realize it if they are only getting a couple of wedding invitation in a year… but if you are getting a couple of invitation in a month, that will be something…

The other day, a friend was complaining about spending lots of money for this month… all because of wedding invitations. He has about 4 or 5 wedding invitation from relatives and friends.

Nowadays, the couple’s family prefer money than gift for their wedding gift… we call it ang-pau… red packet with money inside. Usually we give about RM50 to RM200… so, lets say you are going to give RM100 for each couple… multiply that with 5 invitations… that’s RM500 for the month of October alone… 😛


A gift package from Dalit Bay Golf and Country Club

Dalit, Dalit Bay Golf and Country Club, gift, golf, tuaran

Last Friday I received a package from Dalit Bay Golf and Country Club for renewing my membership there for another year. I renewed my membership in January 2009.

Every membership will be given a package. My package was ready since February but I do not have the time to collect the package at the Club House in Tuaran… A friend collected it for me from the Club House which shows that I have not played until today since my last game somewhere around 4th quarter of last year.

There are few things inside the package… club by-laws, club rules & regulations, golf cap, car sticker, golf shirt and an envelope.

The shirt is size L, not my size… I have to exchange it coz if I were to wear it, it going to be a body-fit kind of shirt. Hope they have the big big size coz last year they run out of the big big size and I end up keeping the L size shirt.

Inside the envelope, it feels like there is a gift card inside. When I open it, the content is actually a membership card… new membership card with beautiful picture on it. This year the card really look neat compared to the previous year which is very plain.

Next, I have to fully utilize my membership… but it looks like I will be playing much lesser this year… 😛

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