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contact messages… lost in cyberworld

cform, contact, insurance, life, message, plugin, policy, wordpress

I just realized today that my blog’s contact page is not working when used with Internet Explorer. When I setup the WordPress plug-in called cform quite sometimes ago, I’m very sure I have tested it and it was working.

When I look into my WordPress plug-ins today, the cform seems to be not working when used in IE, but it works if used in Firefox… messages submitted through the contact forms are not delivered to my mailbox…

I guess I’ve lost many inquires or messages submitted through the contact form… for that I apologize to those who has submitted inquires or messages to me which I never replied.

Truly, it was never my intention not to reply if you ever sent any inquiry or message to me.

Now, instead of using forms for my contact, you can email me directly… I’ve updated my contact page where you can see my e-mail detail in it.

I hope by displaying my email address in the contact it will not invites unwanted emails… spam emails like Viagra pills, gambling, life insurance policy quote… phishing that I won 20 million dollars… etc… etc…

I wish I can find a good contact form plug-in for WordPress coz contact form is much better… email address is not exposed to spam bots… 😛

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head ache health care plan

care, health, insurance, obama, premiums, quote

President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul not seem to be finding its target. The latest report about the Medicare private plans’ premiums jumped 14 percent this year!!!

Millions of seniors who ask for insurance quote and signed up for the popular health plans through Medicare are facing the sharp premium increase this year. This show how unpredictable is the healthcare program even for those with solid insurance.

The seniors are the one who are really affected by the shocking premiums increase… especially those who did not shop around for lower-priced coverage during open enrollment in the fall got hit with some of the biggest increases, averaging 22 percent.

The world is getting harder to live in… even having a good healthcare insurance protection don’t really protect… 😛

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Working 21hours a week

employment, insurance, mental breakdown, overwork, work

I’m working from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm everyday from Monday to Friday… and that’s 9 hours a day or 45 hours a week.
But if you read this statement from a UK’s left-wing think tank the New Economics Foundation… “working week should be cut to 21 hours to help boost the economy and improve quality of life”…

WOW… that’s like working 4 hours and 12 minutes only a day from Monday to Friday!!!

The foundation claimed in its report that the reduction in working hours would help ease unemployment and overwork… cool… less people will get stressed-out or gets nervous breakdown… but too bad to those selling mechanical breakdown insurance 😛

The foundation is aware that by reducing the working hours people would earn less, but said they would have more time to carry out worthy tasks. They would have better scope to look after their children or other dependants, there would be more opportunity for civic duties, and older people could even delay retirement, the foundation said.

Well, I’m ready for that… but wonder when it will be implemented here… 😛


toyota oh toyota…

car, insurance, life, safety, toyota, vehicle

Toyota is one of the biggest car producers in the world… and it has been the leader for many years. But Toyota is facing huge problem since a couple of years…

Toyota is the only Japanese car I like… and I support their F1 team together with Mercedes F1… but unfortunately their F1 team will not be racing this year… same with few other teams which were hit by the world financial meltdown last year.

For the past two years, Toyota has been recalling its vehicles… and it has recalled millions already. They are top in sales but they are also top in recall!!!

But almost all the recalled vehicles are with Toyota US!!! Not here in Malaysia.

Last year they were having problem with floor mat which will slip and cause major safety on the driver’s handling. Now they are having safety issues on the gas pedal… and recently there is a possibility safety issue on the brake system!!! But not all models are affected… only some…

If you are owning any of the US Toyota vehicles which has been identified as having safety issues, I think if you need term life insurance or do not have any right now, you better get it now… else you just have to keep your Toyota in the garage or sell it off… 😛

If Toyota keeps on recalling their vehicles, I’m scared they will vanish from the business very soon… I hope they can improve their safety standard or fix whatever problem they are having in the production line… I hope it is not caused by design flaw because Toyota has one of the best designs… hopefully it’s just caused by bad materials…

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it’s time to service again

auto, insurance, quote, service, servicing, toyota, umw

It’s time to send my car for servicing again… it has passed the 58k KM mileage… errr should it be read as kilometerage?… it’s really strange that we still refer it as mileage although we have been using the metric standard for so long… 😛

I always exceed the once in 3 months servicing schedule… coz my mileage within the 3 months period always less than 5,000 km… so I only service my car once in 5 months, once it has accumulated 5,000 km… although UMW Toyota said it’s not good for the engine, well, I don’t really care coz I’m using synthetic lubricant… lubricant from Toyota itself… 😛

It’s going to be the first servicing for this year… and I must do the servicing before the Chinese New Year… which falls on 14 & 15 February… which also falls on Valentine Day… and luckily my road tax and insurance are still valid for another 8 months… so I don’t have to worry about auto insurance quote… else more money need to be spent next month 😛

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january rain…

fund manager, home, housing, insurance, life, loan, mortgage, unit trust

Many things need be done this month. Whenever January comes, all kind of bills and statement will appear. And this is the time money is the most sought after raw material… 😛

Income tax letter received… need time to fill the online income tax from now… annual housing loan statements received… time to renew the mortgage life insurance… time to renew all the other insurance too… including car insurance… road tax… everything needs money!!!

The only good things this month is getting statements from the PNB for the Amanah Saham… and the other unit trust fund managers… how I wish I don’t have to pay anything… just getting my salary every month… 😛

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shame… shame…

insurance, life, quote, shame

We are at the final month of the year… mail box… the real mail box… will start getting filled with season greetings cards… annual reports for your investments… annual bills for your life insurance… and so on.

A few weeks ago I collected a few bills from the mail box… yea, bills… that’s what I think of them all… one of it is from AIA… yea, AIA the insurance company where I bought all my insurance… and I’m sure it was bill…

So I, I tried to make time to go to AIA’s office at Karamunsing… and manage to spare some time last Friday during the lunch time. Getting parking at AIA’s office is easy, just enter their compound and double park… 😀

I took a queue number and waited… when my number called, I went to the counter and show my ‘bill’ and said I want to pay the ‘bill’… the moment she look at the ‘bill’ she told me… ‘you don’t have to pay that, it just to inform u the premium has been paid’… o shoot… so bloody shy… shame… damm… I pretend I don’t know and said… oh, I was confused, it looks like bill… i forgot i’ve change to autopay using my credit card… bla bla bal… mumbling… mumbling…. 😛 shoot…

Why the heck insurance companies don’t provide online services like the bank? If they’ve provided the service, I should have not wasted my time and save my water face 😛 … With online services, I can check all my insurance status anytime… get an instant life insurance quote anytime… grrrrr… shame…

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Falling Scaffoldings

insurance, land and survey department, life, renovation, safety, scaffoldings

If you come across with this situation… probably your car insurance alone will not be sufficient… you gonna need a life insurance too… if the scaffolding fall directly on your path!!!

The photos were captured this morning around 10am along Penampang Road. The scaffoldings are used to do renovation on the old Land and Survey Department’s office near Queen Elizabeth Hospital… which is also in the process of being demolish.

If the safety net was not erected next to the building, the scaffolding definitely have fallen onto the road… imagine if there are few cars travelling along the road at 80 KM/h… sure there will be pile of cars sandwiched together!!!

I hope they have removed the scaffolding for everyone’s safety… the relevant authority in charge of safety should visit the site and give the contractor a hard lecture on safety…

Do you know that to erect or assemble the scaffoldings you need to go through a course and certification?


Lucky not broken

accident, claim, extreme, insurance, paintball, quotes, sports

On the fist day of November, which happens to be All Saints Day, I had a bad self accident during a paintball game. There are about 20 over of us from the MCSE class playing.

I fall down while trying to shift from one bunker to the other. It was the last match… it is actually an additional match after most of the other went back… only about 9 of us left and we decided to play 3 on 3.

My left trigger finger… index finger… was badly torn… coz I fall down and the trigger finger was absorbing my fall… holding my 95kg body weight!!! But lucky it did not brake to the opposite but instead get torn…

Went to clinic at Donggongon and had 5 stitches on it. Supposed to remove the stitches on 10th day, but I was away in KL for the Hacker Halted 2009… at the end I only manage to remove it on the 14th November at Medicare Clinic in Mid Valley, KL.

Then had it x-ray on Monday, 16th November, at the same clinic coz I was worried something might be broken inside… yea, should have x-ray it before it get stiched… 😛

But anyway, I’m lucky nothing broken inside… except it is still swollen till now and still cant bend it completely.

Next, I need to do insurance quotes… errr.. insurance claim… I must get my insurance to refund me all the medical bills… and plus 2 weeks of allowance… probably RM150 per week… 😀

Thanks to Donny who send me to the clinic and helping to take the photos inside the clinic… 😀

The torn trigger finger

Not crying… just giving pressure to the arm to reduce pain while getting clean… 😛


and stiching…

Stiched… 😛

Getting anti-tetanus jab.


Uninvited caller or guest…

insurance, life, online, time, work

Traditionally, insurance agents will randomly approach their prospect clients. And that approach is still working until today. Insurance agents also get their prospect clients’ contact from their existing clients… or from the unsuccessful client they just discussed with… ‘Please introduce me to your friends who might want to buy insurance?…’ or ‘Please give me 5 of your friends contact so that I can introduce them with our new insurance package?…’ 😛

I really hate it when insurance agents call me and try to sell me insurance policy!!! When I asked them how they got hold of my contact number… they say from my colleague… dang colleague!!!… and these insurance agents always talk a lot… sometimes I just talk straight to their face telling them that I’m not interested buying anything.

They don’t have to waste their time and my time explaining something that I’m not considering buying!!! If I ever need any details about a particular insurance, I can always read it online from the internet… and I also can buy life insurance online without going through them!!!

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